at com.pingcap.tikv.expression.visitor.RangeSetBuilder.buildRange(RangeSetBuilder.java:130)
at com.pingcap.tikv.predicates.PredicateUtils.expressionToPoints(PredicateUtils.java:124)
... 120 more
JVM具有1024个条目的人为限制,超过1024条后会显示... XXX more
This list of non-standard JVM options提供更多的细节:
Max. no. of lines in the stack trace for Java exceptions (0 means all).
With Java > 1.6, value 0 really means 0. value -1 or any negative number must be specified to print all the stack (tested with 1.6.0_22, 1.7.0 on Windows).
With Java <= 1.5, value 0 means everything, JVM chokes on negative number (tested with 1.5.0_22 on Windows).